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The Pedistrian

“The dropping of the nuclear bomb on the United States of America marks the end of World War III. The people left in this once fine country have next to nothing.” This is something you might here on the radio in the future. Technology has advanced so much in the past hundred years that there’s no telling what we might accomplish in the next fifty years. Some of it will be for the good but unfortunately the bad will catch up with us. The Pedestrian is a good example of how technology has caught up with us. The story is about a society that basically lost it’s imagination and has turned to technology to do the thinking for the people. The television is the most popular thing in this society to do such a thing for the people. The people of this society didn’t need magazines, books, writers, authors, or music, all they did was let the television do all the thinking and imagining for them. The main character of the story, Leonard Mead, was a writer. He describes the setting, which is a dark lonely city in the year of A.D 2053 where the population is basically one-dimensional. “In ten years of walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person walking, not one in all that time” p.98. He did not meet anyone in ten years because the population is in their homes watching the television. The law enforcement in the city, well there was no law enforcement because there was no need for them. The crime was virtually non existent because of the technology of that time. People did not have the smarts to commit a crime anymore, if they did, it was probably because they learned how by watching movies and action shows. At the end of the story, the lone police car left in the city stops Mead on one of his daily walks. The cop was a computer, it asked him a lot of questions and was very strict about him talking out of turn. The cop asked Mead what his profession, whi...

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