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The Pax Romana

Most often revered for their warfare, Rome created more than just an incredible military empire, they created a time of great peace that had never been seen before in recorded history. This time of peace, referred as the Pax Roman ( 96 AD - 200 AD), which means literally RomanPeace. This time of Roman peace was a system of government created by Augusts ( the Emperorof Rome), and lasted for over 200 years. It was out of this peace time that sport & leisure timewhere created. The bases of Roman life where that of law and order and this only took place withgood leadership. Beginning the leadership of Rome during its Golden Age was first with Nerva in96 A. D. and ending with the death of Marcus Aurlius in 180 A. D, with the death of MarcusAurlius in 180 A. D., eventually also came the fall of Rome. The great rulers of the Pax Romanhelped to sustain Romes longevity and magnitude. The Pax Roman gave the urbane Romans anever seen before time leisure, during this time the development of art as well as architecture andliterature were beginning to be perfected. Despite the fact that many will argue that most of theRoman art, literature, and architecture was shaped from the Greek model that preceded theRomans. It is more than just statement that the Romans took a Greek pattern and assembled itinto something of their very own, something that came to be known as Roman. During theseyears of unbroken public peace it is estimated that some 60 million people took a part in the peacethat the Romans offered. Although, peaceful in Rome and the surrounding areas there was stillwar along the edges of the Empire ( usually due to the expansion of the Roman Empire) as well assmall civil wars among the city-states in the Roman Empire. Time was very important to the Romans. As very young soldiers, they have a time in theirlives to look forward to, other than the battle field. As they age into manhood and middle age, ayoung man can look forward to ...

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