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The OdesseyFather ad Son Relationship

“Symbolism of the Father-Son Relationship” Throughout Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, many tangible symbols are used to represent abstract ideas. Some symbols that Homer used have two meanings. The double meanings of these symbols represent Odysseus and Telemachus as they strive to meet each other. While each symbol has a meaning that represents the growth of Telemachus, each one also represents, by another meaning, the growth and development of Odysseus. When Odysseus and Telemachus finally meet, the symbols and the character traits that they represent converge, and the resemblance between father and son becomes complete. One of the key ideas running throughout The Odyssey is the importance of water. It has the power of giving life and quick, safe travel, but it also has the potential to drown. Water can be considered a paradox in and of itself. While it is good and usually life giving, it also demonstrates how too much of a good thing can bring harm. It brings much harm to Odysseus as he is traveling to Phaeacia. "Earth-shaker Poseidon stirred up a great wave, as when a blustering wind shakes up a heap of dry husks, and scatters them in all directions, so it scattered the raft’s long beams"(60). Everything needs water to live, however Odysseus thinks of water as an agent of death. Water that brings death by excess represents Odysseus, for he is the one that has to suffer all these years, and he is the one that nearly drowns near Phaeacia. Odysseus also learns how too much of a good thing, such as wealth or gold, can seriously harm a man. He especially experiences this when he tries to steal from the Cyclops and ends up losing many of his companions (96). Henceforth, it is fitting that the excessive side of water represent Odysseus.However, life that is brought by water, the water that sustains, is the type that represents Telemachus. He is not excessive, and has been in fact humbled by the suit...

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