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The Metamorphosis1

Analyzing The Metamorphosis Upon first reading The Metamorphosis, a person might think the author is a little strange for writing such a story. It seems to defy anything rational, yet it has been regarded as a masterpiece in literature. I, myself, still wonder how Kafka could write such a great story that is, in my opinion, extremely bazaar and, well, weird. And that is putting it lightly. In the beginning of the story, Kafka abruptly brings us into the sad life of a traveling salesman, named Gregor. When he wakes up in the morning, the first picture that is painted is a round-bellied sort of insect lying on its back with its “numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes”. This reminds me of my summer excursions out to my back yard, the hot sun beating down on my back while I torment small insects that happen to come my way. After I smash them, their legs wave violently, in the same manner in which Gregor’s legs move. It is only a painful thought to bear.As the story unfolds, we learn that Gregor is the only income for the family. His mother is old and has asthma, and his dad is getting too weak to take the pressures of working a full-time job. His sister, who is of working age, has no inclination to work though it is obvious that she is a good worker (we see this after Gregor wakes up and is immediately taken care of by his sister, Grete). The reader now begins to wonder if this life as a bug is actually worse than Gregor going on living as a human being. Both are bad, but it becomes apparent that the only thing his family really sees as valuable in him is the money he makes and the comfortable living that it brings. When his family finds out that he has not caught the train, they get worried that he will get fired. In fact, it is almost alluded to in the text that Gregor has obviously not ever been late, and they are so worried that they m...

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