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The Media and the antiwar movements effect on the Vietnam War

The Vietnam war was fought by the United States between the years of 1965 and 1973. It was basically the longest war the country had ever engaged itself in. Another important aspect of the Vietnam War, was that it gave rise to the largest and most successful antiwar movement in United States history. As a result of the media, more particularly television, various political and social views held my the many Americans about the war were changed and presented towards the United States Government in various forms. In effect of these many issues the American foreign policy was continually changing to suit our present state. In a sense, the war in Vietnam could be described as a two front war, a war in Vietnam with war being waged with tanks, guns and bullets, and a "war at home," fought on the streets, campuses and offices throughout the nation. THE MEDIAThe Vietnam War was probably the most important historical event in which the news media's influence was felt among the American public. The Vietnam War was a conflict that many Americans would like to forget. What began as a fight against Communism and the spread of it, the war escalated to an uncontrollable point. The United States were unable to fight on the Vietnamese terrain with its jungles and sticky, wet climate as well as to recognize what obstacles we were shooting at. As a result of these conditions, we had great difficulty stopping the Communist spread in Vietnam. South Vietnam fell to the Communist North Vietnamese in 1975. The long time span, the economic costs of supplies and food, and the large number of deaths in the war resulted in American interference in Vietnam a huge disaster. The U.S. found itself in a war that it could not win and could never forget. However, during this war the power of television provided a positive impact on Americans. The Vietnam War became known as "the living room war," the first war to be televised daily to the American public (An Ameri...

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