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The Meaning of Life

Since the beginning of human history, we have used logic and reasoning in order to explain why things happen and to advance ourselves. This desire to understand and comprehend is always present. We are constantly striving to search for purpose and meaning in everything we do in our lives. We need reason and purpose in order to do anything just like we need a reason to continue living. Otherwise, our lives may become meaningless. I believe the meaning of life is to find what is true to you using your own personal experiences and philosophies.Without reason, there is no meaning. Living a meaningless life would be depressing, difficult and dangerous. Nihilists believe life has no meaning because life does not have cosmic significance. They choose not to search for personal meaning; therefore, all purposive behavior is eliminated. “Nihilism is a swirling black hole of nothingness, strangely attractive but also terribly frightening to those who struggle to find the meaning of life” (Shrader 19). I tend to agree with the existential point of view that life can have meaning even though it may not have any significance in the grander scheme of things. With reason and purpose to go on in life, it is much harder to be swallowed by the black hole of nihilism.Life is a quest for meaning. “Life can be meaningful in a subjectively satisfying sense even if our lives (and values) quickly fade into an indifferent nothingness, unnoticed by the cosmos” (Shrader 19). We must search inward in order to find the meaning of life. Beauty is within oneself and within this beauty is the answer. The meaning of life has nothing to do with material possessions or social status. Money does not equal happiness. Of course, there is no one correct answer to the meaning of life. Everyone’s perception is unique and this provides for numerous views on life’s meaning. It is different for everyone and constantly chang...

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