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The Mayor of Casterbridges SETTING by THOMAS HARDY

Henchard's fate was strongly rooted in his character. He has several character flaws that contributed to the break down of every relationship he had. At the beginning of the novel it is his temper that starts the whole story off. At the fair in Weydon - Priors, he becomes angry with his wife while he is drunk. Henchard tries to sell her because he believes that it is Susan's and the child's fault that he is not successful. This is evidently not the first time. He finds an interested man who pays five pounds and five shillings for her. This of course is the beginning of the break down of his family life and his role as a father. Henchard is upset when he sobers up the next morning. There are other instance where Henchard's temper destroys his relationships. The next episode in the story is when Farfrae's idea for the fair works better than his own. In a fit of jealous rage, Henchard fires his good friend. This alienates Farfrae from both Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane. It also distances Henchard from Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae. His temper has now caused a fault in his business and his family. Farfrae sets up a business in competition with him. Henchard also denies Farfrae the right to court his daughter. This of course pushes Elizabeth-Jane farther from her father. In Henchard's anger and other habits there is an element of control. That is lack of control. Henchard, it seems, likes his drink. In the beginning of the story he asks for some liquor to be added to his furmity. Once drunk, he losses control and becomes angry. This of course leads to the family break up. In the morning, he swears, While he is sober for those years, he is very prosperous. Henchard becomes a wealthy corn merchant as well as the Mayor of Casterbridge. However, when the twenty-one years are over he starts drinking again. Prior to this because of his temper and the such, he is a ruined man. When he takes up drinking again it just hastens the downward spiral he is o...

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