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The Loss of a President

November 22, 1963: The Loss of A President On November 22, 1963 at 12:30 P.M., the 35th President of the United States, Kennedy, was shot and killed while riding through the streets of Dallas, Texas inan open limousine with wife Jackie Kennedy, and Governor John Connally. This singleevent in history has created more controversy than any other. Still today, more than 27years after the shooting, there is still speculation as to who killed John F. Kennedy. Today, so many possible theories remain, it is hard to determine what actually happened. Today many people believe that it was Lee Harvey Oswald that killed JFK. They believethat he was just a “lone nut” acting out of his own feelings, and he was not influenced byanyone else. Many others believe there was a conspiracy set up by the CIA to killPresident Kennedy, and others believe that it was Communist Russians. In my paper I willtry to explain some of the theories as clear as possible, and let you decide for yourselfwhat you believe happened November 22, 1963.If Lee Harvey Oswald was not the assassin as thought, who else would possiblywant the president dead?The MafiaAnti-Castro CubansThe CIACommunist Russians.When John F. Kennedy became president, he had many great ambitions. He wanted topull more troops out of Vietnam and lessen the war effort, cut back on organized crime,end the Cuban Missile Crisis, and limit the power of the CIA. With these ambitions it isno surprise he made so many new enemies, some even being in the US government itself. Many of these new enemies he had found were very powerful, and would stop at nothingto see his new ways come to an end, even if it meant killing him.Shortly after the incident, the government founded the Warren Commission, and agovernment investigation began on the assassination. The Warren Commission was agroup made of “outstanding citizens” to "ascertain, evaluate and report upon the factsrelating to the assas...

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