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The Individuals right to suicide

In this article I hope to demonstrate the individuals right to suicide. I will argue that a persons freedom gives them the right to commit suicide, and by refuting religion and defeating the opposing views I hope to validate my conclusion. I also hope to address the reader with enough information as to not leave any room for gray areas in the final analysis.In the western world, suicide is taboo. While it would be easy to attribute this to Christianity, it is more accurate to attribute it the human fear and denial of death. The religions of the world create coping factors for dealing with the idea of death. The result is that in cultures where the major faith accepts and/or celebrates suicide the indoctrinated do not feel bothered by it. Fear of death is a survival mechanism. It is the belief system of certain cultures that is able to overcome this fear. Religion in some cases serves to enforce the natural human reaction to the issue of suicide and in others to reject the natural reaction. This simply demonstrates the wide range of differences between world religions. Arguments from a religious base are entirely invalid in this case. For example, the argument: God says that suicide is a sin, and it is therefore wrong. Of course, you must respond: But this other deity says that to sacrifice yourself is the highest honor to them. As you can see, in most cases it is not even necessary to use reason to defeat a religious argument. Whenever a different valid religion contradicts their argument, it should be obvious how useless religious arguments are. They act as an appeal to popularity on one hand and an appeal to ignorance the other.Now that I have proven the invalidity of religious arguments against suicide, I shall address the moralistic arguments.A very strong argument against suicide could be: It is wrong to commit suicide because it can have a great negative impact on others. The response to this would be that, even ...

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