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The Identity paper

Identity is within all of us. Without it, we would be nothing. It determines just about any personality trait, habit or manner one can think of. That humans have such varied attitudes is intriguing, but where does identity come from? People identify themselves using not only qualities within them, but through culture and family as well.A great deal of personality comes from within us. It has to do with likes and dislikes, and how we choose to react to daily things. For example, I have to write a paper. Is that good or bad? Depends on if I like writing papers or not. We see this in Object Lesson by Sharon Oard Warner. The main character, Laurel, despises her sons new girlfriend. To Laurel, the girl named Sophie becomes a seductress, luring her son away. Laurel sees herself as someone who loves most what she cant have...soon it will be directed toward her son, Will, who appears to be heading out of her life. (218) The hatred of Sophie and the blood stain she leaves on the sons sheets begin to influence Laurels daily tasks: All day, the stain comes back to haunt her... (219) An emotion within her becomes a part of Laurels identity.Another example from La Puerta is I Give You Back by Joy Harjo. Hatred of white soldiers from the past is a part of her. Ms. Harjo refers to fear as My beloved and hated twin. (59) It has held her back, influenced who she is. The emotion of fear was so strong, it became a way through which she related to things around her. You cant live in my eyes, my ears, my voice, my belly, or in my heart. (60)Culture plays an very important part in everyday society. What we eat, what we wear, the music we listen to, even the people we associate with can all be related to culture. What exactly is culture, this thing that plays such a big part in our identities? It is related to class, ancestry, even labeling. Labeling has two ways of influence, through the usual bigotry, but also by sympathy. Class, a...

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