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The History of the Beatles

The Beatles are known to many as one of the greatest bands of all time. Their music hasinfluenced many people, including the Queen of England, future musicians, parents, and teens. Allfour, Ringo Starr, Paul McCarteny, John Lennon, and George Harrison, were knighted by theQueen. The controversy of the statement made by John Lennon that "sparked protesterseverywhere to burn countless records. Teens were influenced by the peaceful lyrics and hippiemessages. Numerous musicians of today count the Beatles among of their inspirations. The modernrock band "Oasis" has stated that they get their greatest influence from the Beatles" (Lewisohn, 56). This great band had small beginnings, however. On October 9, 1940, John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool, England. He was raisedby his aunt Mimi after his parents divorced. He attended an art school after doing very poorly in allaspects of school except art. He began his first band, The Quarrymen, in 1956 (Wiener, 5). Hemet Paul through a mutual friend at the Garden Fete in Liverpool. Very impressed that Paul couldplay Eddie Cochran, he then asked him to join The Quarrymen (Dowlding, 30). James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 in Liverpool, England. His mother wasa nurse, and his father was a salesman and musician, who played piano in a ragtime band (Wiener,5). Paul's mother died when he was fourteen. Paul had been around music his entire life because ofhis father, but didn't become interested until the days of Elvis. After he joined The Quarrymen withJohn, they both began writing songs such as "Love Me Do," and "One After 909" (Schaffner, 18-19).The third Beatle to enter the band was George Harrison. He was born in Liverpool onFebruary 25, 1943. He was the youngest, but the most talented musically. He had an Irish heritage,and was "the son of a friendly local bus conductor" (Schaffner, 19). George was only sixteen whenhe joined the band, which was, at that time, T...

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