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The Great Napster

Napster is innovative file-sharing software that lets an online community of music lovers trade MP3 files free of charge. You search for a song by name, and a list of people who have it pops up and you can choose whomever you want to get it from, and in addition, you can see and download any other songs that they may have in their files. We feel like it is a good thing because it does have some positive aspects: it’s good for finding older music that isn’t in production anymore, you can sample songs from groupsbefore you buy their music, it gives less popular musicians a chance to have their music heard, and it provides a forum for people with similar music interests to come together. Napster might be able to offer you a chance at finding older music that just isn’t in production anymore. For example, you can’t find your favorite music from the 70s or 80s in music stores today unless it was a big hit back then. Our resources are very limited as to how we can come across these songs. Music stores today tend to have only a limited stock of what they perceive to be popular. You might be looking for theme songs for old movies or TV shows that are hard to find, and chances are you will be able to find them on Napster. One user says, "The first weekend that I tried Napster I found twelve songs that I’d been hunting for over fifteen years to find! These are songs I’ve been going in to record stores over the years and asking for"- (Eclectic)Using Napster, it’s great how you can sample songs from groups before you buy their music. Sometimes we hear of groups, whether it’s by commercial or promotion of an upcoming concert, and we’re not really sure of who they are. What if we mistake one artist for another?, It’s not too much fun wasting money on the wrong group. Music is almost always non-refundable, because they assume that if you’re returning it, you have already ...

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