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The Great Gatsby12

Barton & Marilyn changed their view of eachother from the beginning of the story to the "The Cold Equasions" by Tom Godwin, two characters met and felt one way about one another; but by the end of the story, Barton & Marilyn were feeling the opposite then the way they first did.At the beginning of this story, Batron and Marliyn did not have good views of eachother. For example, Marilyn said "Your going to do it-Your going to make me die."(p.14) when she realized that she could not avoid her fate. Marliyn said that because, she was suprised to learn that she must die. Marliyn had no idea that being a stowaway would have such penalties as death. In addition, Barton said "he ment it the way it sounded."(p.14) when Marliyn didn't understand the commander say that Barton must kill her. Barton said that because, he knew that he must follow the rules, and kill her. Barton felt uncomfertable about killing the stowaway, because the stowaway was a girl. Barton and Marilyn did not like eachother at the beginning.Barton and Marilyn changed their views of eachother in the end of the story. For example, Marliyn said "At first I was scared to die, I thought only of myself."(p.24) Marilyn was very understanding about what must happen to her. Marilyn accepted the results of her action with dignity, and she came to respent Barton for what he must do. In addition, Barton said, "Do you think I could ever let it happen if I wasn't sure." (p.27) When he was feeling sorry for Marilyn. Barton was thinking form Marilyn's point of view and knew what courage Marilyn must have, to follow through with this. Barton was feeling sorry for Marilyn, even though she was understanding, Barton could still tell that she was scared. In the end of the story Barton and Marilyn thought better of eachother.Character change between Barton and Marilyn in the story "The Cold Equasions"by Tom Godwin took place through out the whole story, from beginning to end.Barton and Marilyn ...

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