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The Fifth Discipline

Chapter 11 of Peter Senge's book, The Fifth Discipline, talks about the idea of Shared Vision, and how this concept has transformed organizations, and individuals working for them, into a cohesive unit of long-term innovative achievement. Having and transmitting a successful "shared vision" requires true "buy-in" on the part of the employees and the organization as a whole, and must foster genuine commitment and active enrollment in order to bring that organizational vision to a personal level. For shared vision to become a product of personal vision, each individual must "feel it", and be able to see how this vision can be articulated to promote the long-term interests of the company's success, and position in the larger scheme of things. This road to the end result is usually not mapped out or even guaranteed, and the creative tension this inspires, through personal commitment and dedication, is the fire it produces form it's visionary fuel. The most current example of this that I have witnessed is the remarkable performance of the '98 World Championship Denver Broncos. So far they are undefeated this season and give no indication of letting up as the make their way into the history record books of the NFL. They were 11 and 0, Eleven wins and no losses, going into last night's game against the San Diego Chargers here at home and although nobody here wanted to see it happen, they defeated the Chargers 31-16, extending their perfect record to 12 and 0. This would not be possible if not for the shared vision of the entire Bronco team, and the inspirational leadership of quarterback John Elway. The owners and coaches can only do so much to prepare the team for the game, it is up to the team to be able to mentally and physically execute and be able to win the game. The vision in this case is coming form the middle so to speak. John Elway isn't the president of the team, but he is one of the major motivating forces of the ba...

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