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The Fifth Business

Lots of people in our society can be dubbed as ^neutral^ in their They dont take part in the events occurring around them butrather just observe them. This characteristic can be called abeneficial characteristic as it may keep them out of disagreements. Inthe book Fifth Business written by Robertson Davies, Dunny can becalled a neutral person. He tells us about his life story and throughvarious incidents, it is clearly evident that he is indeed a neutralperson. For instance, the snowball incident and Dunny^s relationshipwith Diana show the reader that he is indeed a neutral person whodoesn^t want to get involved deeply in anything at all. Dunny startshis story from his childhood. He tells us that when he was ten, he hada fight with Percy Boyd Staunton and during this fight, Percy threw asnowball at him. He dodged the snowball and it struck the pregnant MaryDempster, who was the wife of Reverend Amasa Dempster, on her head.This led to the premature birth of the baby. Dunny felt responsible forthat incident and spent many sleepless nights but he didn^t tell Marywhat had happened or who threw the snowball. He remained neutral in thesituation despite the fact that he felt guilty and responsible forMary^s loss of senility and the premature birth of the baby. Thesestrong emotions led him to help Mary in every way possible. Although heknew that he had not thrown the snowball, he imagined that since it wasmeant for him, he shouldn^t have dodged it. Also Paul had told Dunnythat he wasn^t responsible for the snowball because it was Dunny^sdodging it which led to Mary Dempster labor. So Dunny was sure that!he was to blame but still he didn^t confess it to anyone, neither didhe ever talk to anyone about it. Being neutral he just withdrew and didnot take a stand in the situation. He took care of Paul when he (Paul)was quite young and also was protective of Mary which further served toisolate him from the rest of the society who thought of Mary...

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