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The Evil of Act 60

When most people hear this word they automaticaly think of tranquility. A place were towns are small, and the people are friendly. A place to get away from the fast lane of the "big city", and get on the road to forgetting your troubles for a few days. You can go skiing and shopping, and then get back in your car and go back to your hectic life. But if spend any time in Vermont, more than just a weekend getaway, you will see a side of the state that many have never seen. There is a war going on. A war that has torn apart a small state. A war over education reform, and an act that few outside have ever heard of, but all will see its outcome. In 1997 the legislature of Vermont, led by Sen. Peter E. Shumlin (D), of Putney, passed a sweeping education reform law, titled Act 60. Act 60 is meant to help towns in Vermont raise the standard of education, which in itself is commendable, but the method is deplorable. In order to raise the money for these towns, a state wide property tax was inacted. With the money raised, $5000.00 per pupil is sent back to each of the 211 communitties in need, at the expense of the other forty-one towns, labled "gold towns." The towns on the "gold town" list are small towns with big business such as ski resorts and, in Vernon's case, a nuclear power plant. These "gold towns" with a combined population of about 50,000, now have to pay a "school tax" of sort for the remaining 211 towns, who have a combined population of 536,000. A town such as Stowe (pop. 3986), a labled "gold town," now has to send a check to the state at the end of each year, so the state can then send a check to the city of Rutland (pop.18, 083) to help pay for their cities school budget, instead of Stowe using that money on their own students. The residents of "gold towns" are being penalized for taking on the responsibilities and headaches of big businesses. These businesses already pay Vermont millions of dollars eac...

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