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The Endless debate

Evolution is a theory to explain facts. Creationism is a myth to explain facts. Evolution is proven through facts; creationism is a story about facts. There is a constant debate going on with science versus religion, but the interesting point to realize it that science creates the facts, and all the creationists (the religious) can do it argue evolutionists theories. So what can be inferred is that evolutionists provide the evidence, and the creationists try and prove the evolutionists wrong. Mind you, any group, not just particularly the creationists, can easily fill this job. Notice, in the study of fossils there is a similarity in the make-up of animals, if the ‘wise creator’ (God) created all animals, why would he make a half dozen types of human species? Many of the debates between creationists and evolutionists include the argument about the creation of earth; but one side is more logical when evaluating the facts. God created man is what the Creationists believe. But what is proven true through fact is that there were five or six types of ‘man’ created. Why would God create 5 or 6 of the similar species, but only write about one of them? When comparing the facts of the similar bone structures of mammal like reptiles and mammals, the interpreting is left up to the reader. The facts are: “The lower jaw of reptiles contain several bones, that of mammals only one…paleontologists have discovered to transitional lineages or therapsids (the so-called mammal-like reptiles) with a double jaw joint…what better transitional form could we desire than the oldest human…if God made each of the half dozen human species…why did he create in an unbroken temporal sequence of progressively modern features…did he create to mimic evolution and test our faith thereby?” (Gould 162).These facts cannot be disproved; they are facts, not a theory! The creationists can try to ...

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