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The Delivering Room

100-03Essay 1Sherry MilnerFebruary 20, 2001The Delivering Room It all started on a mid-fall night at about 11:55 when my sister started having labor pains. I really did not know anything was going on until I woke up, and the only reason I woke up was because my mother was running around the house hollering. So, I jumped up and put on some clothes and waited until it was time to go. My mother said, “We will go the hospital only if your contractions are five minutes apart”. It was time to go to the hospital; also, the happiest time of my life was when I was in the delivering room with my sister. It was about 12:30 when we went to the baby floor. When we got there, the nurse took her right to the room she was going to be in. I did not go in the delivering room right when they put her in there because I was a little scared, so I waited in the waiting room with my brother and cousin. The phone rang in the waiting room, and it was my mother saying the nurse said she just had a bladder infection. We sat in the waiting room and waited until it was time. So, at 2:00 or 3:15 in the morning the doctor told us that she had dilated about one centimeter, and they were just going to keep her there.Now that she had been admitted in the hospital our lives were going to change. We all sat around the waiting room until it was time for my sister to deliver her baby. 5:00 a.m. came around and I was tired and ready for my sister to have this baby. The time had come and she was ready to have the baby. So, I ran to the deliver room time my mother called to the waiting room. This is when it all started. I was in the room holding my sister’s hand while the doctor told her to push. As I was holding her hand, I wanted to cry because she was hurting my hand. As I held her hand the hared the doctor told her to push the harder she squeezed my hand. So, now the doctor told us that he seen the head, and she finally came out. Just by hearing the l...

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