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the crucible

The selection, "The Crucible", is in the form of a play. The setting takes place in Salem,Massachusetts in the year 1692. The people of Salem led a strict life, whose concernswere mostly concentrated upon the worklife while following the principles and rituals ofthe Christian religion. Any time off of work meant that they would only concentrateharder on praying. They were a "God-fearing" community believing that they were underconstant surveilance by God and will be damnned for all mortal sins.The story first starts out in Rev. Samuel Parris's house in the bedroom of hisdaughter Betty. She is apparently sick and he is praying by her bedside. Many people ofthe town have gathered to discover some explaination for her sudden sickness. They allhave heard rumor of possible previous witch-craft causing her sickness. Rev. Parris doesnot want his church to corrupt on the fact that his daughter many have made contact withthe devil. He is more concerned about the fate of his church than the well being Betty. Betty and other girls of the town have been seen dancing to psalms of witch-craft withthe Reverend's servant Tituba. After the arrival of Rev. John Hale, Betty awakes and tellsof her visions of many women the the town with the devil. Those women who wereaccused were to be tried in court for contact with the devil through witch-craft.As a God-fearing communtiy, any evidence of evil could not be denied. Becausethey believe that if they deny evil, then at the same time they are denying goodness,which is God. So no defense of accused peoples could be based upon evidence, simplybecause evil can not be seen. So any accused person must confess to it and berehabilitated, or will be hung if they are willing to show pride in their innocence. Thecourt in which they base the law states that "God damns all liars". Ironically, if they wereto confess guilt and yet they were innocent then they will be "damned by God."Arthur Miller, through ...

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