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The Conquest of New Spain

Corts came not to the New World to conquer by force, but by manipulation. Bernal Daz del Castillo, in the “Conquest of New Spain,” describes how Corts and his soldiers manipulated the Aztec people and their king Montezuma from the time they traveled from Iztapalaopa to the time when Montezuma took Corts to the top of the great Cue and showed him the whole of Mexico and its countryside, and the three causeways which led into Mexico. Castillo’s purpose for recording the mission was to keep an account of the wealth of Montezuma and Mexico, the traditions, and the economic potential that could benefit Corts’ upcoming conquest. However, through these recordings, we are able to see and understand Corts’ strategy in making Mexico “New Spain.” He came as a wolf in a sheep’s clothing and manipulated Montezuma through his apparent innocence.In the first part of the document, Corts and his men spend their time at Montezuma’s palaces. Seeing the extravagant wealth of the Aztec king, Corts begins his seduction (all the while knowing that Montezuma believes that he may be the fulfillment of a prophecy). He embraced Montezuma with the greatest reverence and “…told him that now his heart rejoiced at having seen such a great Prince, and that he took it as a great honour that he had come in person to meet him and had frequently shown him such favor” (World History: Castillo, 247). Corts and his men are brought into the house of Montezuma and all of his riches are now at their disposal to observe and share in. Montezuma tells Corts: “Malinche you and your brethren are in your own house…” (World History: Castillo, 247). The wealth of Montezuma is magnificent. Each soldier is given two gold necklaces. He had hundreds, and probably thousands, of servants. He did not where the same article of clothing for at least four days and bathed every day. The cooks ...

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