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The Communist Manifesto

In The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, a set of rules, much like we consider the Ten Commandments to be, is established for what a advanced country would abide by. A few of these ideas to follow include abolition of all right to inheritance, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax, equal obligation of all to work, and combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries.The idea or rule that I believe is the most effective, productive, and extremely important is the idea of equal obligation of all to work. For a society to function, but most importantly prosper, this idea has to be established. The work of a few is what holds our country together today. Its not the equal work of all. With that, how much farther along would our society advance? We cannot fathom how a society of this nature would develop, for history has never seen such a society. This, by far, is the most important idea derived from The Communist Manifesto. The idea or rule that I believe is the is the least society sensible is the idea of the abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. As I believe strongly in the idea of equal work for all, I also believe strongly in a right to own, a right to work, in order to deserve this right to own. Ownership will develop a class society, and I think it should. I feel there is nothing wrong with a class system as long as it as developed on a work ethics principle. Educate yourself, in order to add more job options, in order to move up in the class system. My belief in a strong classification of wealth is based on the idea of getting what you deserve. If you are willing to advance yourself through education and hard work, your position in society will follow. Our societys wealth is not equal, nor should it be.Whether one thinks that the ideas of communism are good or bad, by taking a look a todays society, we can certainly see the affect The ...

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