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The Clinton Presidency Americas Darkest Hour

William Jefferson Clinton’s eight-year term as president of the United States of America has been one of the most corrupt, and possibly the most damaging ever. There is evidenceconnecting him to hundreds of deaths, injuries, and explosions. He, along with hisadministration, has made a number of “Faustian bargains and policy blunders”(Timperlake) that have allowed a malicious, rancorous government to gain further powerin Washington. He has acted dangerously and impulsively, and has befriended all of thewrong people, including Chinese arms dealers, spies, pimps, and gangsters, among others. He has also compromised U.S. safety on more than one occasion. He is a cold, racist,corrupt man who has proven many times over that he does not care about the people, onlyin using them and obtaining money. In the following pages, one will see facts proving allof this. One could begin with the issue of genocide. In 1994, between half a million anda million members of the Tutsi tribe were slaughtered by Hutu tribal militias. Even thoughthis massacre was widely covered by the news, the United States did nothing to help stopthe killing. President Clinton offered an explanation to survivors in Kilagi for this. Hesaid that he “did not fully appreciate the depth and the speed with which [the survivors]were being engulfed by this unimaginable terror.” (Kelly) This explanation was not quite true. The U.S. government watched the killings inRwanda closely. Clinton was completely familiar with the genocide; he knew what wasgoing on as hundreds of thousands were being murdered. And yet, he still did nothing tostop it. He is also quoted as saying that he only “did not act quickly enough to stop it afterthe killing began.” (Kelly) Actually, he personally denied urgent requests from the U.N. tosend a small force of non-U.S. troops into Rwanda. Then on May 24, 1994, with theestimate number of the dead at ...

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