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The Battle of Gettes

The Civil War was a war that tore our country into two halves the North and the South. There were many battle and many lives lost. Families were torn apart and brothers faught against brothers. Never has our counrty been so divided. The Battle of Gettysburg during the spring of 1863, was seen as a major turing point in the Norths victory over the South.The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most famous and possibly the most important battles of the Civil War. It took place outside the small Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg. Genearal Robert E. Lee led 75,000 Confederate troops against General Goerge G. Meade and 97,000 Union soldiers(Tilgberg1).General Lee had led his army northward across the Potomac River and into Pennsylvania. General Meade was to meet and stop Lee and his soldiers in their northward advance, this occured at Gettysburg. It began on July 1, 1863. And lasted untill July 3, 1863. The South had less than 20,000 men and they were faceing almost 25,000 Union troops.(Tilbberg1)After a long day of fighting the Union troops were pushed back and regrouped just south of the town. General Lee wanted to attack the North along the the high ground where they had retreated to. But the attack was hesitaed and gave the Union troops a chance to dig in along Cemitary Ridge and bring in reinforcements(Stokesbury165)By July 2, the second day of fighting, the Union troops had recieved reinforcements and now had troops totaling nearly 100,000. The attack by the Rebels didnt even begin untill 4:00 that evening this had givin the union even more time to recover and strengthen their position. The South attacked at Peach Orchard and Little Round Top. They were successful at Peach Orchard but were drivin back at Little Round Top. Later that evening more attacks were made bye the Rebels at Cemitary Hill and also at Culp's Hill. The fighting lasted into the darkness. At the end of the day the Confederates had no success at Cemitar...

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