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The Atomic Bomb Helpful or Harmful

There used to be a time in America when the name Atomic Bomb seemed fictional to some, non existent to others,and seemed only a dream to those in the science world. That time is long gone.The day that changed all ideas and opinions about what war was and what is has evolved to be was August 6,1945. President Truman had decided to drop the Atomic bomb in order to end the war and save as many lives as possible. The United States had dropped the bomb on Hiroshima in order to end the war almost instantly and avoid bloody invasion, thereby saving both American and Japanese lives. Whether or not to drop the atomic bomb was president Trumans decision, faced with this decision Truman researched and asked advisors to share their ideas about the bomb and then made the best decision for the American and Japanese people. In an invasion of Japan,the fighting would have been more savage, and the number of lives lost on both sides would of been tragic.(ONeal 35) The Atomic bomb was essential in helping to put and end to the war and saving lives. The decision to drop the atomic bomb was made by President Truman . In his decision he states, The only thing that was the right thing to do for the American and Japanese people was to end the war through the use of the atomic bomb. ( ONeal 36) Why all the controversy over the bomb? Historians and people today continue to ask this question along with others. Were the Japanese seriously considering surrendering before the bomb was let off, and was the only way the war could of been ended ended was throughout the bomb? The atomic bomb saved lives on both sides and served its purpose of helping to end the war. The facts remain the Atomic Bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima killed many civilians, but if the war continued to go on it would of killed many more.When President Truman walked in to the White House he had problems and decisions lying ahead of him that he knew little about.In...

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