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The American Dream and African Americans

What is the American Dream? To many people across the globe, the United States of America appears to be a place where one can be proud of. America the land where dreams come true and there is always a chance for any person to succeed. People who are not from the United States have been painted a beautiful picture of what life in our country is like. Not only do they think that there is a special place in America for them and the perfect career for each individual, but unfortunately this is not always true. The American dream is not necessarily to get rich quick, it is more along the lines of a hard worker having an opportunity to be financially stable and to live a pleasant life. The dream is that their sons and daughters will not have to suffer the same things that they did. Their children will be better off in the long run because of their hard work.Why hasn’t the African American community been able to reach the American dreamIn America everyone is guaranteed the opportunity to succeed and reach the American dream. In many instances, American citizens have been deprived of such a dream because other fellow citizens are prejudice. This bigotry suppresses the African-American people in the crime filled ghetto in which few blacks make it to old age much less with a decent home and a retirement fund. Many things impede the African Americans’ quest for their dream, such as the media and music. “The history of the Black American is largely the story of their struggle for freedom and equality” . Since the dawn of time the color black has always signified something Dirty, soiled, evil, wicked, disgraceful and without hope. Unfortunately for the African American community this definition does not work for their advantage. The black man has long been associated with ignorance and crime, and the lethargic attitude of many African Americans does not help . Many people have been taught to be careful around a black man be...

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