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Terrorism Never Affected Anyone Until The ‘Attack on America’ This is an announcement to all people within the boundaries of North America. Terror affects us all every day, not only the days when it is within our grasp of reality. The population of North America has never really taken into consideration that terrorist acts are important or even matter to their people. Why? Well that answer is simple. Anything that isn’t in our immediate scope of view is looked at in a fairy tale way. The American embassy bombings that seem to happen every year aren’t looked upon as important by the people of that country. Why should the world superpower’s people care if their country’s symbols are being annihilated almost annually? Terrorist acts must be one of the most cruel, cowardly, and overall selfish acts that can be inflicted on a group of people. This is underlined by the kind of people who wreak this havoc on innocent communities around the world every day. These fellow humans, who cause these terrible acts, are part of the most important problem facing the world today.People die from many different causes every year. This is a known fact, but how many people are killed by acts that are so selfish and cowardly that they can only be characterized by one statement: Terror? The answer to that depends on how you would define terror. For example the ‘Attack on America’, claimed what is estimated to be over six thousand people. This attack was targeted on major political and economic epicenters in the U.S. The World Trade Center towers were both demolished by planes flying into them. The Pentagon was damaged to a point where the fires were burning for days after. I am sure that the attack took in well over six thousand people. This atrocity took the population of the U.S. and the World in its path. The amount of people who it affected is incalculable. The people’s families who wer...

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