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TV rots the Brain

A loud noise there. The constant bombardment of stimulus on humans senses gets greater as the months roll by. Things quicken. New tricks come out to help speed up old tasks, or companies pop up to do them for a small fee. Dot coms are written on every street corner, so there is something for everybody. Everyone is rushing around, blinded by their own agenda bubble*, trying to make it from one task to another so that there is enough time to fit in a few more errands before the day comes to a close. Kids watch television programs with so many different images flashing across the screen in a minute that it would even make sick. Speed is so highly regarded as a way of life in this society, that those who fail to embrace it are soon out of the loop. Left behind from a whirlwind of techno-gadgets, glamour magazines, and marketing schemes that are now a part of every day life.Television has become a large part of the American childs life. On average a child (five to eight year olds') in this country watches three to four hours of television each day. That is 1,278 hours of mind destroying goodness a year. At graduation the total would be 15,000 hours of TV as compared to 11,000 hours of school. The percentage of obese children has jumped in the past ten years, and can be directly linked to the amount of television that kids are watching. Worse yet are the psychological effects that TV has on children, especially between the ages of 6 to 10. In this stage of development the brain is like silly putty and can be molded to any shape. When a human is born, its brain has over 10 billion neurons, which can be formed into pathways inside the brain. In comparing the forming brain of a human to a sponge, the most porus time is between six and ten years of age. This is when the neurons are making interconnections to each other (dendrites) and can reach long tendrils (axons) far into other parts of the brain. So every thing that a child does in this st...

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