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n the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, written by Samuel Clemens, a young boy by the name of Huck gets into various situations while trying to discover himself and just have fun. To keep the novel unified the author uses the recurrent motifs of slavery, violence, and caring.Slavery has held good men like Jim captive in society. Slaves are not given any of the rights that the white people receive and have virtually no freedom. Men like Pap, being on a lower scale than most of the other white folk as he may be, his views do accurately depict and even parallel those of the average white person at the time. Pap is disgusted with the government and wont stand for the fact that they give the right to vote to blacks. He has the basic white supremacist beliefs and believes that it is a travesty that a black man should have the right to choose his senator or president. Jim, being a slave that he is, is stereotyped as being of a feeble order of humanity. The fact of the matter is though that he shows himself to be a better father to Huck than Pap had ever been. He shielded Huck from the pain he would have experienced if he had seen who that dead man in the house was. Huck was taught by the world that slavery was right. It was the way of life and the way it was supposed to be. “All right, then, I’ll go to hell.” (206) Even though he thought this way he still knew the kind of man Jim was and disregarded what he knew to be right and wrong to save Jim Throughout the story violence is used as a way to settle disputes or for a way for the people in the story to get what they want. Pap, for example, returned to find Huck so that he could take his money from him. While Huck stayed with his father for that short period of time, he was beaten. His father would constantly get drunk and usually beat him for no reason. The fact that Huck would not hand over the money and even went to court about the whole matter wasn’t helping. ...

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