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The legalization of concealed weapons for the purpose of self protection has and will decrease the number of gun related crimes. Guns were not invented for the purposeof robbing a bank, or mugging someone in a dark alley. Guns were not invented bycriminals or by people looking for a way to murder or intimidate. The invention of thegun was directed at making hunting easier and eventually was used in war to defend ourcountry. The first guns, or mortars were cannons. These weapons were used to defendcities in the early 1400s. The French were the first to use cannons in mobile warfare. Andin recent wars guns have provided the artillary to defend inocent countries againstterrorist. What is so wrong with self defense?If someone has the intent to murder, mug, or rape an innocent person, gun lawswill not stop that person. The only thing that a gun law does is to take away the right ofgood citizens like us to protect ourselves from these criminals. We can not go back intime and not invent the gun. We will never get rid of them all, so as long as guns exist,criminals will obtain them easier and faster than the average citizen has ever been able to.A woman who thought she was alone in her Jacona, New Mexico, home and hadjust emerged from the shower when she heard the sounds of someone ransacking theresidence. The quick-thinking resident retreated to the bedroom but was soon confrontedby a stocky male intruder who had violently kicked down the locked door. Thats whenthe intended victim pointed a handgun at the man, sending him fleeing! The woman in thisstory and others like her are the types of people who cherish the right to bare arms.One year after Australian gun owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personalfirearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a programcosting the government over 500 million dollars. The results are less than expected. Adramatic increase in criminal activity involving fi...

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