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John WingerBill MurrayTaxi Driver/Army Enlistman Russell ZiskeyHarold RamisEnglish Teacher/Army Enlistman RecruiterBill LuckingArmy Recruiter Army Recruiter’s Office Scene: John Winger has just quit his job, lost his girlfriend, his apartment and had his car taken away by loan sharks. He convinced his best friend Russell Ziskey to come with him to a Army recruiters office to enlist in the Army. John and Russell have just gotten out of Russell’s car and are in the recruiter’s office talking with him. Shot 1: Point of view shot from John and Russell of the recruiter in the recruiters office, medium close up of the recruiter. Recruiter, “I’m not saying the Army will be able to do for you what it did for me, all I’m saying is you get out of it exactly what you put into it. Sometimes the Army is your best shot.” Cut.Shot 2: Point of view shot from the recruiter looking at John and Russell, medium close up of John and Russell. Recruiter, “Now there’s a couple of questions I have to ask you. There are a little personal.” Cut. Shot 3: Medium group shot of John, Russell and the recruiter. Recruiter, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. That’s uh robbery, rape, car theft, that sort of thing.” John, “Convicted.” Recruiter, “Yeah.” John, “No.” Russell, “Never convicted.” Cut.Shot 4: Medium close up of Army recruiter from John and Russell’s point of view. Recruiter, “That’s good good.” Cut.Shot 5: Point of view shot from John and Russell of the recruiter. Recruiter, “Are either of you homosexuals.” Cut.Shot 6: Medium close up of John Winger. John, “You mean like flaming or.” Cut.Shot 7: Point of view shot from John and Russell of the recruiter. Recruiter, “Well it’s a standard question we have to ask.” Cut.Sh...

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