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Stress Info

Is there an effective way to cure stress? Stress is an intergral part of everyday life, influencing, if not controlling happiness, productivity and health. The complete absence of any stress results in death. Stress is known to cause a variety of psychiatric disorders involving anxiert and depression. More common of which include posttraumatic stress disorder, amajor depression, generalized anxierty, and multiple personality disorders. Hopefully will attempt to explain ways to cure ones illness’s caused by Stress. Stress is an adaptive response. The more stress one puts on themselves the weaker their immune system then becomes. A weakened immune system will become susceptible to disease and injury. Stress is the body’s reaction to an even that is seen as emotionally disturbing or threatening. To prepare for such an event, the body increases its heart rate and blood pressure; more blood is then sent to your heart and muscles, and your respiration rate increases.There are a variety of steps that stress will take biologically on your body. To prepare for such an event that may be stressful, the body increases its heart rate and blood pressure; more blood is then sent to your heart and muscles, and your respiration rate increases. In the first stage of stress, alarm, the body mobilizes its "fight or flight" defenses, either to resist the stress-causing factor or adapt to it. In this stage, the pituitary-adrenocortical system pours hormones into the bloodstream. The pulse quickens, the lungs take in more oxygen to fuel the muscles, blood sugar increases to supply added energy, digestion slows, and perspiration increases. This is just the beginning of what happens.In the second stage of stress, resistance, the body begins to repair the incidental damage caused by the arousal in the alarm stage. If the stressful situation is resolved, the stress symptoms vanish. If the stressful situation continues, however, a third s...

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