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Stone cOLD

The crowd roars with a deafening volume that could awaken the dead from their eternal slumber. He explodes through the doors, the crowd’s cheers raise to an even higher decibel, as he sprits up to the ring it appears the only thing running through his veins is pure adrenaline, his muscles bulge as he slides into the ring. He rises to he feet, the crowd is still ecstatic, as he lifts his extended middle finger into the air as he screams, "Give me a HELL YEAH!", and the crowd, including people from all walks of life, answers back, "HELL YEAH!" He once held the Heavy Weight Champion belt of the World Wrestling Federation, making him number one, and he believes, and gets his fans to believe, he is still number one. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is a prime candidate for the nomination of a modern day Anglo-Saxon hero. "Stone Cold’s" immense physical strength, his courage, and his loyalty would have any Anglo-Saxon by his side.Steve Austin’s strength is envied by some of the world’s best wrestlers. This is to be expected because for any man to become Heavy Weight Champion, he would have to be strong. On numerous occasions he has lifted 300 pound men over his head and tossed them out of the ring into the crowd, or body slammed them into tables with ease. "Stone Cold" has been faced with some of the most difficult tests of strength, like when he faced Mankind, a notoriously strong wrestler. When Austin gained the upper hand in the match, Mankind’s tag team partner, 355 pound Kane, stepped into the ring to help. However, Kane’s strength combined with Mankind’s was no match for the "Stone Cold Stunner". The "Stunner" is Austin’s finishing move ,in which he grasps his opponent’s neck, twists so they are back to back, then jumps into the air with the force of a rocket, and falls putting so much pressure on his neck that he goes unconscious. This powerful move gained Austin his fame and the loyalty...

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