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Stigmat Are they real

I'm not a big movie watcher, in fact when I watch a movie, I rarely finish it. However, there are just a few that I've got to see. These usually include comedy, but more often mystery. About two years ago I saw a preview for the movie Stigmata. Before the previews I had never heard of stigmata, and even after this didn't know what it was. My cousin explained what stigmata were to me, and then I wanted to see the movie. Stigmata are defined as the plural of stigma; marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of Christ, said to be supernaturally impressed on the bodies of cetain persons, especially nuns, tertiaries, and monastics (, this making a stigmatic one who receives these stigmata. The movie Stigmata is one of mystery because in the movie the lead actriss has many cases of stigmata, but has no way of explaining them. Contrary to much evidence, that supports the claim that stigmatics are usually those who have reputable holiness, the actriss is an atheist, she does not believe in God. I am not an extremely religious person, but I am intrigued by the supernatural, be it holy or hellish, and seeing this movie sparked an intrest in me to find out, are stigmata real?The search process:My search process, although short and easy, led me to many useless sites. The process was rather short; I got all the information I needed with in a few hours, only changing the search two times. I found most of what I needed just by reading the titles and descriptions of the sites before I visited them. I knew sites like the supernatural ghosts, supernatural phenomeneo, and ghostly phenomeneo wouldn't help me because the descriptions plainly said the sites were only about ghosts. This saved me a lot of time because there were many sites that I could tell I didn't need. Although I got the information I needed, about half of the sites I visited were useless. Probably nintey percent of the sites, that the search came up with, were useles...

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