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Starting from scratch

"I had the desire that I could do something better than anyone else," states Jim Vitiello, president and CEO of US Office Solutions. This desire dawned on Vitiello seven yearsago when he decided to take on the tasks of starting his own company. Little did he knowthat this desire would affect his life in many ways; many risks are taken, many aresacrifices made, but the outcome lasts a lifetime. Starting out many people may possess afear when confronted with the thought of opening their own business. It is this fear thatVitiello used as his motivation in the early years. "You risk everything. There's fear offailure, of starting over. I succeeded by fear of failure." Vitiello quit his very secure job atAmerican Office Equipment to start his own company because he felt he was being heldback from what he was capable of doing. The well-being of Jim and his family is a majorrisks Jim took, but a physical risks Jim almost took occurred about 17 years ago when Jimworked as a delivery boy for Panisonic. A delivery had to be made to the Cabrini Greenhousing projects and Jim had won a coin toss not to go. So his co-worker went and anhour later he stormed through the door yelling "I got shot in the ass!" Apparently a straybullet hit the poor delivery man. Jim also found it amusing that the guy came back to thecompany before going to the hospital. Along with the risks, sacrifices are also a big partof starting your own company. Vitiello's biggest sacrifice was the time he spent on thenew company and not with his family. The first couple years of starting a new companytakes much work and dedication. Time with family and friends must be cut back to havesuccess. A person's social life may become nonexistent until the company can stand alone. Vitiello recalls "I miss my family and friends, it's hard to stay positive with such a heavyworkload." Another sacrifice made by Vitiello was his initial financial loss. Vitiello lefthis job and...

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