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Sociology and its components

Many of times I have attempted to comprehend the actions of other people. I always wanted toknow why people of different genders, descents, and colors had certain cultural, societal, and religiousbeliefs. It became apparent to me that all persons are a direct reflection of their atmosphere. In otherwords all persons unconsciously (and sometimes consciously) reflect and imitate their atmosphere andthe things that they see it them. Various cultures carry their own individual stereotypes and belief system.The reason for this is that people place arbitrary meanings on lifes occurrences based upon those of theindividuals which preceded them. Thought patterns of an individual are all dependent upon the teachingsof others. We perceive and understand the physical and social world based on the meanings we attach topeople, things, and actions. To put it simply our minds are all guided by the force of “other minds” thatare “more developed” than our own. This is all a part of Sociological study. These studies look at thepredominant attitudes, behavior, and types of relationships within a society. A society is a group ofpeople who have a similar cultural background and live in a specific geographical area. but before weget into this however Lets take a step back and look at the field in which these studies derive from. Sociology is a social science that studies individuals, groups, and institutions that make uphuman society. It is an observation of how people relate to one another and to their environments. Theyalso study the formation of groups; the causes of various forms of social behavior; and the role ofchurches, schools, and other institutions within a society. Social behavior is studied extensively in thefield of sociology. Sociologist usually work with small groups and observe attitude change, conformity,leadership, morale, and other forms of behavior. They also study the way the members of a grouprespond to one an...

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