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Social Structure

Social Structure: framework that surrounds us, consisting of the relationships of people and groups to one another, which give direction to and set limits on behavior. Social Institutions: organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs. Ascribed Status: refers to positions that an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life. age, gender, race, wealth, siblingAchieved Status: refers to positions that are earned, accomplished, or involve at least some effort/activity on part of individual occupation, wife, athlete, parent, friend, graduateStatus Inconsistency: contradiction/mismatch between statuses. Gertrude from Ghana.Dramaturgy: theoretical perspectives that analyzes social life using the analogy of the stage or theatre. Front Stage: where performances are given; public arenaBack Stage: where people rest from their performances, discuss presentations, plan future performances. (Goffman: still performing roles here)Role Performance: the way in which someone performs a role w/in the limits that the role provides; showing a particular style or personality. Different teachers teach different ways.Impression Management: people’s efforts to control the impression that others have of them.“Ferdinand Tonnies”Gemeinschaft: type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness. Gosssip: mechanism for maintaining group cohesion. Guy losing family, getting rejected by village.Gesellschaft: type of society dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self interest. gesSELLshaft capitalistic/modern society sellsRole Conflict: conflicts that an individual feels between two or more roles because the expectations attached to one role are incompatible w/the expectations of another role.Role Strain: conflicts that someone feels w/in same role. teachers: encouraging student...

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