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Social Change A comparison of Marshall McLuhan and David Riesman

The idea of sociological change is an important one. Throughout history society has made certain transitions. These transitions allowed society to become what it is today. Two important theorists who wrote about transitions in society were Marshall McLuhan and David Riesman. Though they greatly differed they also agreed on certain things. Both theorists believed that there are three distinct phases in human history. McLuhan believed that there were three distinct phases of society which he termed oral, literary and electronic. Riesman believed that there were also three phases of history which he termed tradition based, inner-directed and outer-directed. Marshall McLuhan is best known for coining the phrase The Medium is the message. He believed that society today is centred around electronic media. On the other hand David Riesman whos most famous book is entitled Lonely Crowd centred his research around characteristics of American society. What these two men have in common is that they both believed that society could be separated into three distinct phases. Riesman believed that there were three distinct character types, tradition-directed, inner-directed and other-directed. While McLuhan believed that there were three types of society which he called oral societies, written societies and electronic societies. Riesman believed the inquiries into the relationship between social structure and social character. The question central to Riesman was what type of person was being formed in the emerging capitalist societies in the developed nations. McLuhan was theorist of literature whose ideas about media and global culture stimulated discussion among social theorists. The first stage for both centred around small communities in which everyone knew each other. McLuhan believed that society began with oral societies. These centred on local languages and community life. Knowledge was passed on orally. Memory was crucial bec...

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