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Unable To Break The Chains Many slaves' lives were tormented by their owners, but many slaves made it through by believing in their religion and in each other. The tormenting began even before the slaves reached the mainland of America. They were hunted in their homeland of Africa by people who would capture them and sell them to slave owners in America. This left life in Africa difficult for blacks that lived there. They were left wondering if this could be their last moment on their homeland or with their family. After being captured they were shipped to America for a life of slavery which made it difficult to live. They weren't even recognized as people, but as property. Through songs and poems they tell their stories of agony and pain.One slave tells his story of his capture in 1798(Out Of Many 4-3). He was a young boy that was a son of a prince. One day they heard about an army that was going to invade their land. His family then retreated the next morning. They were able to retreat before the army could catch them. The army was actually "slave catchers". The families running only prolonged the inevitable. They were caught the next day. The young boy felt a rope around his neck after hearing someone getting hit in the head with a gun. On his way to the waters he was told to do a number of difficult tasks. Such as carrying large masses on his back for long periods of time. He believes that the hike to the waters totaled over 400 miles. On the way he remembers the army entering homes and raiding other towns and capturing the people that resided in the homes. When reaching America another slave reported that the 'Negroes' were examined by the traders at Slave Fairs. The Fairs would include several thousand soon to be slaves every six weeks. When the 'Negroes were being inspected by the slave traders it was thorough. They would ask about their health, if they have any deformities, weak joints, or have a distorted back. The purchaser ...

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