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Sixteen Most Significant Events in US History between 1789 to 1975

Sixteen Most Significant Events in US History between 1789 to 1975 After a review of United States' history from 1789 to 1975, I have identified what I believe are the sixteen most significant events of that The attached sheet identifies the events and places them inbrackets by time period. The following discussion provides my reasoningfor selecting each of the events and my opinion as to their relativeimportance in contrast to each other. Finally, I have concluded that ofthe sixteen events, the Civil War had the most significant impact on thehistory of the time period in which it occurred and remains the mostsignificant event in American history. The discussion begins with bracket I covering the period from 1789-1850,and pairs the number one seed in the bracket "Mexican-American War" againstthe fourth seed "Louisiana Purchase". The second seed in the bracket"Marbury v Madison" is paired against the third seed "Monroe Doctrine". The purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803 was the most popular andmomentous event of the Jefferson presidency. It had several significanteconomic and political implications on this period in history. From aneconomic perspective it doubled the size of the United States at a price ofonly fifteen million dollars. It allowed settlement beyond the MississippiRiver in a territory that was rich in minerals and natural resources. Iteliminated the United States' long struggle for control of the MississippiRiver and its outlet to the sea, and as Jefferson stated, it freed Americafrom European influence at its borders. In addition to these economicimplications, the purchase also had historic political implications. Theacquisition took place at a time when the government was still exploringthe powers that the Constitution had granted it. Jefferson, himself,carefully deliberated whether the Constitution granted him the right toacquire territory for the purpose of expandi the Union. He reflected on...

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