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Single Fatherhood

Single fathers are a minority. They are rare, but growing rapidly as more and more people can fathom a father being able to satisfy the needs of his children. Single fathers are not given sole custody without a fight. A much harder one than what a Mother would have to endure. Normally, custody is given to the mother. Lately, however, fathers are starting to care more about their childrens best interests, and are begining to fight against the sterotypes society has dealt them.Being the child of a single father, I have heard the stories. For 17 years I have heard the stories. But could society have been so blind? No. The courts could have, though. Statistics I have collected showed that even when both the mother and father agreed that the father should have custody, the father was only awarded it 75% of the time. This is mostly due to the strong, traditional, presumption by the courts that, a child needs it's mother especially when it is young. A child does need its mother, but also needs a father too. Over the last hundred years, society has been forced to break a lot of its stereotypes. The biggest one being that women belong in the kitchen. Women in the workforce has increased 100 fold since the 1940's, and continue to grow steadily. Through womens rights movements, and suffragettes, women became equal to men. Now, women receive equal pay to men, and are given equal treatment by the judicial system. With fierce competition from women, men in the workforce are starting to realize they do not need to support the whole family with their income. Now the mother can help pay the mortgage, and treat the family for dinner. This has provided men with more time to play a more active role in their childs life.Common responses to seeing a man at the park with his child usually are something like this:- He must work night shift- Maybe he doesn't have a job- Where's the mother?Society seems to have a gap between the image of fa...

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