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Sigmund Freud2

His theories and treatments were to change forever our conception of the human condition. Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg, Moravia, a part of the Austrian empire at that time, on May 6, 1856. Today it is a part of Czechoslovakia. He was raised in the traditions and beliefs of the Jewish religion. Freud considered a career in law but found legal affairs dull, and so, though he later admitted to “no particular predilection for the career of a physician” he chose a medical career. In 1873 he entered the University of Vienna but did not graduate until 1881. In the spring of 1884 Freud began to experiment with cocaine. He found that the drug relieved his feelings of depression, turned his bad moods into cheerfulness, and helped him work. During the years 1886-87 Sigmund Freud studies hypnosis as a therapeutic treatment.He published many aricles and books in his lifetime. Such as “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life” in 1900, which explored everyday errors in speech, "A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis" during 1922 and "The Ego and the Id" in 1923. In cooperation with Josef Breuer in 1895, and at the age of 39, Sigmund Freud publishes "Studien ber Hysterie" and for the first time he succeeds in analysing one of his own dreams. The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, which explored everyday errors in speech, which he believed, were of in 1896, Sigmund Freud applies the term "psychoanalysis" for the first time and he started with his self-analysis.In 1901 Sigmund Freud starts analysing 18-year old Dora and in 1902 is appointed professor at the University of Vienna and the foundation of the "Psychological Wednesday Society". Freud never saw her again after that but in 1905, he published "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria," better known as the case of Dora. Dora was not actually a hysterical patient. During 1926 on the occasion of his 70th birthday Sigmund Freud was loaded with honours ...

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