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Born in1877 in Wirtemberg, a town in the Black Forest, Hermann Hesse is ranked among the great masters of contemporary Coming from a family of missionaries on both sides, Hesse was intended to follow in the footsteps of his father, a Protestant pastor and missionary; however, at an early age, he began to rebel against the life proscribed for him and sought a nontraditional path. Even though his father remained an inspiring example of living faith, young Hesse sensed the discrepancy between his father's practices and beliefs. He also perceived the hypocrisy, which ruled most of the institutions at the time, especially in educational institutions, where mediocrity was embraced by an authoritarian establishment. Throughout his younger years, Hesse rebelled against traditional academic education and eventually ended up leaving his formal education behind to work as a bookseller. It was during this time that he developed his mind by becoming a voracious reader. He also began to write poetry. In 1903, Hesse quit his job and devoted his time to writing books, living most of the time in Basel, Switzerland. He wrote a large quantity of literature between 1904-1912, including short story collections, novels, and the production of a liberal weekly entitled Marz. Hesse's first novel, Peter Camenzind, was published in 1904; it reflects the author's early life in Basel and Swabia. He next published Gertrude, another novel about a young man; in this one a musician discovers the secret of artistic existence. It was during this period that Hesse married Maria Bernouelli and lived on Lake Constance in Switzerland. He also traveled to India in 1911; it was here that he received the inspiration for Siddhartha (1922) and The Journey to the East (1931). The years from 1912-1919 were difficult ones for Hesse. There were various illnesses and deaths in the family, including his wife's madness and his father's death. He was also troubled by the outbreak of ...

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