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Should Marajwa be legal

Should marijuana be legal? “Marijuana is a mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the Indian hemp-plant cannabis” The ultimate social conflict is war. To solve a conflict by using lethal weapons has always existed, and will continue to exist as long as humans are around. But, war does not necessarily mean that people die, or houses get blown up. The Drug War is a perfect example of a non-violent war. It is fought by politicians and drug (ab)users. I believe it is a desperate action by frightened leaders. Marijuana is by far the biggest drug problem in the world. Or is it a problem? Some people think that legalization of using, selling, and purchasing marijuana will lead to an end of the drug war. Obviously, there are people who believe the opposite. That is one of many points in the conflict of legalization. That is where my topic comes in. I believe that marijuana should expend as a medicinal, because it is proven to help and prevent several illnesses and diseases. The conflict is probably never to be solved. There will always be users and non-users. The debate, from where I see it, has potential to tone down, and become less of an issue. Marijuana has been proven in many surveys to help and prevent physical and mental illnesses. As a matter a fact, marijuana can be used for the treatment of over 100 different medical purposes. One of the most common uses of legal marijuana is for example migraine. It has a numbing reaction to your body, so pain and irritations will decrease. It can also enhance your thinking. When a person is under the influence of marijuana, he/she tends to think more creatively and deep. Many famous artists, in various areas, have admitted they smoke marijuana before they “work.” According to them, “Marijuana is a useful catalyst for specific optical and aural esthetic perceptions” (Hellman). If marijuana was to be legalized, great amount of the taxpayers money would...

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