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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Death can come in many different shapes and forms in the life of a human being. When life is brought into the world, one thing is for certain, and that is life will eventually end. It is a fact of life that can not be ignored or overlooked. Thousands of people die each day, and each person falls into different causes of death. Some causes can not be helped or prevented, others can be. People die that does not need to die. Humans tend to have many flaws, and sometimes allow them to overpower their flesh. Why does the human mind make people do the things he or she knows will risk their lives? Is it the thrill of it, or is it plain stupidity? Unnatural death today seems to lie mostly with the youth, be it by disease or by violence. Most causes of death can be prevented. Sex in today’s world is a vital issue, since the AIDS virus and STDs have recently lead to many causes of death in the American Society. The most studied STDs in Pinellas and Hillsborough County in Florida are Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia, amongst the female gender between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four.One of the older STDs that have been in effect since ancient history time is Syphilis. The disease can be cured by penicillin, if not too late. It spreads quickly and through open sores of the mouth, genitals, or anus. “Within half an hour of being infected, the disease has spread to the lymph nodes in the genital area. Then the disease goes into the bloodstream, which carries them into just about every part of the body” (Broadman, Thacker, and Kranz 42). This disease under goes four stages, starting with primary Syphilis. The primary stage takes place from three to eight weeks which has an infectious agent called the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Its symptoms include sores outside or inside the mouth and genital area that are non-painful, these are ulcers called Chancre. The secondary stage of Syphilis takes place six mont...

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