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Separation between state and religion

One of the most common questions asked about public prayer is whether or not it is legal to hold it in a public school. It depends on the type of prayer we are talking about, and who is doing the praying, since people are usually talking about organized classroom prayer, often led by a teacher. The Supreme Court has set a law that states that organized prayer in a public school goes against the First Amendment, whether it's in the classroom, over the loud speaker, or even at a graduation ceremony. It also applies for Bible readings and when someone says "now we will have a moment of silence", which courts will go against also. People feel it is not the government's business to promote religious exercises, since they can easily be pushed upon young students that have to be at school due to their attendance policies.A public school has the responsibility to protect every student. This will include children of various religions, as well as children with no religious faith. This does not mean the school should be disrespectful of the important role religion plays for many students. Courts have made it clear that students should have the right to practice their religion, with some limitations. Students are free to pray, read their Bibles and even invite others to join their religious group as long as they are not disruptive of the school or disrespectful of the rights to the other students. A student should not be allowed to pressure or other kids in or on public school grounds. For example, a student is allowed to pray before meals, read her Bible during study hall, create an art project with a religious theme or invite other students to attend church. These activities are all allowed. In fact, the school might be guilty of violating the student's free speech and free exercise rights if it tried to stop the religious activities.Students have the right to hang out with their friends for prayer and other religious activities within the rul...

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