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Being a Christian has changed my perspective on the value of my body. Since becoming a Christian I have had a hard time understanding why or how a girl could belittle herself by so freely giving her body to someone else. Growing up in Philadelphia, I witness this in many different ways. Whether it is a prostitute standing on the corner, or a good friend that sleeps around, the lack of respect these women have for themselves is very visible, and very sad. I am a social work major, and I would someday like to work with teenagers, which is why I am taking the time now to try to understand the reasoning for their foolish and dangerous choices. Why do teenage girls have such little respect for themselves? I am sure that each of these girls have her own theories and reasons for her actions. I believe the most obvious causes are; they were never taught that it was wrong, most guys treat girls with disrespect, and the fact that somebody wants them make them feel loved. Sadly enough, a girl having no respect for herself is not a new thing. Girls just aren’t taught that it is wrong to abuse their bodies or give away something that is supposed to be so sacred. It seems that some parents these days do not know how to handle their kids and are often too lenient with them. It also seems that role models in today’s society advertise sex in subtle, yet noticeable ways. I think the media plays a huge role in the misleading of teenage minds. Entertainment, such as singers and actors are not even chosen based on talent anymore, they are hired based on the right look; it is all about sex appeal. Another obvious cause is, there are so many guys in today’s society who were not raised to respect women. They think of women as sex objects, and unimportant people they can control. It is normal to be somewhat dependant on men, but women today seem to become totally reliant on men. In most cases that can be very unhealthy or dang...

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