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Selection Processes

MillerPsychology 364Literature Review The structured interview, to select potential employees, should be used by the company to maintain efficiency and staffing quotas. The structured interview is valid, reliable, and would be effective for the selection needs of this company. A great deal of empirical research has examined the perceived fairness of selection interviews. These data indicate that interviews are generally perceived to be fair (Kravitz et al., 1996). Characteristics of the structured interview that make it an effective and reliable selection system are: Consistency of administration, interpersonal effectiveness of the administrator, two-way communication, propriety of questions, information about the job and organization, feedback, and selection information (Gilliland, 1993). Consistency of administration is the use of consistent questions or tests during the selection process for all applicants. In a series of studies, Singer found that more justice was perceived when the organization used the same selection procedures for every applicant (Singer, 1993). Next, structured interviews must have an effective administrator conducting the interview. In a sense a good recruiter or interview administrator acts like a good counselor. Three behavioral dimensions in particular, were related to better outcomes. The first dimension was non-directive counseling behavior (Bies and Moag, 1986). Most effective interviewers made reference to the job candidate’s feelings, summarized their statements, and made interesting comments. The second dimension was their listening skills. An interviewer should talk less, nod when the candidate spoke, and set aside time for questions (Schuler, 1993). The third dimension of an effective interviewer, is the amount of information they provide. Interviewers should provide an open and honest exchange (Bies and Moag, 1986). Third, a structured interview should be u...

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