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Scholarship Essay1

College is something I have looked forward to most all my life. I had dreams when I was young of being a doctor like my father. I had dreams of changing the entire world. Granted, those dreams were only the dreams of a child, but they have lasted many, many years. Now the time has come for me to make those dreams become a reality. College is an experience that can prepare me to conquer worlds and change lives. A wonderful avenue to change those lives, I believe, would be teaching. I have always enjoyed English and language arts classes; they have been subjects that I excelled at all of my schooling life. I believe writing allows a person to express himself in writing in a way he may not be able to speak aloud. I am planning on attending Southwest Missouri State University in the fall of 2001 and majoring in English. I would love to teach either on a high school or college level. Both high school and college are times in a person’s life where we are very impressionable and searching for who we really are. The potential affect a teacher can have on a student is immeasurable. To possibly be the only outlet of love a student receives in a day brings a stronger drive and deeper desire for me to be a teacher. However, the desire to raise a family in a smaller community and to be close to my own family may lead me back to teaching at this high school.I also want to attend college to better myself as a whole. I aspire to be a well-rounded individual who deserves respect from the entire population. I must be able to support myself out in the "real world." There are no guarantees in life that there will be someone there to support me, or even help me along in life. But if I have acquired the skills to support myself, I will not be forced to be dependent on anyone else's skills or financial backing. I also want to be a good role model for my children, which I plan to have in the future. I want my children to respect me for my intelligence...

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