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Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan is a fairly new World War 2 movie, which was a blockbuster hit. It’s about a private named Ryan who lost three of his brothers in action. Being the only brother left in the family he gets the ticket home. He was dropped on D-Day in German occupied territories. Unfortunately no one knows where he is because of missile drops, so a team of eight rangers is sent out to find him. During the mission they go through many hard tasks of war. They also lost two of their men and at one point the team almost falls apart. It is truly a heart breaking moment. At the end of the movie they finally find Private Ryan. Surprisingly he decided not to leave his post (protect a key bridge) and fight until reinforcement comes. The captain than decides to stay and help them fight until help comes. They prepare for the German attack and await for them. Once the Germans do come, a big battle breaks out and the fight starts. After a fierce fighting only two out of eight rangers and private Ryan survive, the captain dies. The reinforcements came at the last minute and the bridge was saved, but left Ryan with horrible memories of war. There were many conflicts in the movie and it’s very hard to find the main one. One of the conflicts could be man vs. himself (soldiers vs. feelings about the mission). None of the soldiers saw soldier saw real importance of the mission. It seemed too dangerous to put eight of their life’s for one of private Ryan’s. The conflict wasn’t really resolved because they felt the same way about it until the end. There was also no winner in the conflict or loser. Even the captain showed no importance in the mission but his loyalty for the assignment was stronger. If I were put in the same spot I would feel exactly the same way. Even though his mother lost three of her sons already, how would my mother feel if she lost her only son? Once again this movie has a lot of messages for the viewers....

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