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Same Sex Stuff

What is going on man?! You know, I was thinking about all this same sex homo lesbo stuff going on, and I mean, Im like all for it. I mean, if it feels right than you should just go and do it. If that means being gay and having little young ones running around or just taking some mind expanding drugs, than why not just go for it. If a dude wants to get with this other dude, and then they want to raise a little dude of their own Wait, what was I talking about again? Im not the only person thats cool with that kinda stuff. The other day I was just chilling, listening to some Pink Floyd and playing hackisack with these pink elephants, and we coincidentally were talking about same sex adoptions too and they told me to just gay and merry myself. Mannn, that is some funny stuff cause I think I just lied to you. Elephants arent persons. Whats going on here?But some persons arent that cool with it. Its probably most likely those little flying monkeys. Man, they freak me out! Those hobgoblins on wings trying to take Toto. They got ideas in their heads that two dudes or dudettes wouldnt provide a good home. That gay parents will make for gay children. That theyll be more likely to molest their kids cause theyre gay. Man, that is so not cool you know. Just not cool. Im going to have to regulate on them. I dont know, maybe not regulate but more like inform. Yeah, thats whatll happen. The might somewhat have a point on a few things, but still. We all know little kids can be cruel to each other. Having two daddies can be something to get picked on at the playground. And kids already have a lot on their heads nowadays.I dont know what theyve been smoking, but for the most part those little monkeys are just wrong and simply misinformed. There arent too many negative aspects of having this whole same sex adoption. Plus this is the good ole U S of A, land of the freee and home of the braaaave. Whoa, sorry, okay, anyways. Peop...

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